

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 9 years, 10 months ago

English 197: "Hacking Literary Interpretation" (Spring 2015)


Solo assignment = Solo assignment  Team assignment = Team assignment

 Class 1 (Mar. 31) — Introduction
I. Reading Literature with a Computer
For each class, please read the assigned texts and other works prior to class.
 Class 2 (Apr. 2) — Text in the Digital Age (1) --
What Is Text Anyway?
 Class 3 (Apr. 7)
 Text in the Digital Age (2) --
How is Text "Encoded" For Computers?

Course "practicums" are hands-on, small-scale exercises that ask students to experiment at a beginner's level with the tools of the digital humanities.  Each practicum should be completed before class, resulting in a "souvenir" of the exercise left on the Student Work site. (General instructions for practicums)

  •  Special Assignment:  Be ready by this date to demonstrate in class that you have a working method of downloading, storing, and annotating online readings in the course. (See suggested methods.)
 Class 4 (Apr. 9)
"Distant Reading" --
Why Use Computers to Read a Zillion Texts?
 Class 5 (Apr. 14) Text Analysis (1) --
How Use Computers to Read One to a Zillion Texts?
 Class 6 (Apr. 16) Text Analysis (2) --
How to Think Like a Concordance?
 Class 7 (Apr. 21) Text Analysis (3) --
What is Topic Modeling?
 Class 8 (Apr. 23) Social Network Analysis (also: Mapping) --
Who "Friends" Whom in Literature?
(also: Why Map Literature?)

* [No class April 28th]


II. Project-Building Workshops
Workshops are in-class sessions when students work individually or in their teams on the collaborative class project due at the end of the quarter. The instructor will supervise and advise as project facilitator.
 Class 9 (Apr. 30) Workshop


Solo Assignment "Thought" Essay #1 due. (See Assignments)

Solo Assignment In-progress Portfolio preview due. (See Assignments)

 Class 10 (May 5) Workshop
  Class 11 (May 7) Workshop


 Class 12 (May 12) Workshop
 Class 13 (May 14) Workshop

* [No class May 19]


 Class 14 (May 21) Workshop
 Class 15 (May 26) Workshop
 Class 16 (May 28) Workshop
 Class 17 (June 2) Workshop
 Class 18 (June 4) Workshop


Team Assignment Collective Class Project due. (See Assignments)

(June 5) Solo Assignment Portfolio due. (See Assignments)

(June 8) Solo Assignment "Thought" Essay #2 due. (See Assignments)

































































* Getting Digital Texts & Plain Text
* Text Encoding Intro

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